First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Your age *
How many adults in household? Include number of ___F/___M:*
Occupation:* Choose one: Employed full-time Employed part-time Self-employed Retired Student Homemaker Disabled Unemployed Other
Applicant's Employer (if applicable):
Type of home:* Choose one: Single Family Duplex Apartment Townhouse Condominium Mobile Home Military Housing
Do you Rent or Own?* Choose one: Rent Own
Name of Landlord and phone number:
If you rent, have you received the approval of your landlord to have an animal* Choose one: Yes No
Do you have a roommate(s)?* Choose one: Yes No
How long at your current address? Years / Months*
Does the address on your ID match your current home address?* Choose one: Yes No
List at least one reference (who is not a family member)*
How many children in household? Include number of __F / __M:*
Ages of children:*
Does any member of your household have allergies to cats?* Choose one: Yes No
If you indicated that you or members of your household have allergies to cats, please explain:
The noise/activity level at my home is usually:
How many cats do you currently have?*
What is the percentage of time your current cat spends inside?*
If you currently have a cat(s), please list Name, Age, and Gender:
Dog owners: When your dog needs to go outside to relieve itself, do you: (check all that apply)
How many dogs do you currently have?*
If your currently have a dog(s), please list Name, Breed or size, Age and Gender:
Are your pets current on their vaccinations? If no, explain:*
Are your current pets spayed or neutered? If no, please explain:*
Currently I have no pets: (Y/N)* Choose one: Yes No
How much time will the animal spend alone during the day*
Where will the animal be kept when you are home*
Where will the animal be kept when you are not home*
Where will the animal sleep*
I plan to put the litter box:
Can you provide a Safe Room for the cat today? * Choose one: Yes No
If yes, which room?
How often do you travel?* Choose one: Frequently Occasionally Almost Never
How many times per year?*
Do you have any additional comments or useful information you would like us to consider?